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Sound Suit

Sound suits are a blend of sound, texture and color


The theme of my sound suit is Suicide. It represents the urge to commit to your thoughts of suicide but trying your hardest not to because you know there are still people who care for you and want you to stay. that is why I have the hands (sharpeners) tied, because it shows restraint but also shows being stuck because you have this overwhelming feeling to end your life but something is always stopping you. I made the sharpeners as arms and hands because the blades of these sharpeners are taken out to inflict pain on ones self when the need to feel something (pain) becomes overwhelming. They also inflict pain on themselves as a distraction from their thoughts. the half sad and half happy face shows how they may look happy on the outside but on the inside they are breaking apart. I made the tears as pills to show prescribed medication and/or the urge to overdose on these meds. The same goes for the nooses I made as legs. 



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