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My Passion Project 

 Step 1:

My idea for my passion project is to make random clay characters. Many other's have done similar things like this so I decided to give it a try.


Step 2:

The materials I needed for this is a picture of my chosen character, my imagination and colors that would pop out to make it as weird as I wanted it to be.


Step 3:

How my project is similar to other's who have tried this is the process of making the sculptures

Step 4:  draft

Step 5:  Feedback

"good job, I cant wait to see the finished product" -Lucas

step: 6 
a way I would be improving my idea is by adding color to my designs. I would paint them to try and add more depth to the art.

step: 7 Final Product

Some art from others that inspired my idea

clay 2.jpg
clay 4.jfif
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